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Session 1: Technique class - We will not necessarily play all the notes of all the set pieces. We will use parts of these works to identify and practice various techniques as required by the class. We do not expect you to have mastered all the notes by the course.

Set works instruction
1)  Methodische Etüden für 1-2 A...


Session 1: Technique class - We will not necessarily play all the notes of all the set pieces. We will use parts of these works to identify and practice various techniques as required by the class. We do not expect you to have mastered all the notes by the course.

Set works instruction
1)  Methodische Etüden für 1-2 Altblockflöten
Code and publisher: Edition Floeno; Nr. 1490
- Please prepare the pieces with modulations up until 4# and flats. If you go further: that’s a bonus! :)
- you don’t need to practice no. 11 and 12 and the second voices. 
- start practicing all studies very slowly and set a metronome speed at a tempo you feel you can manage without too much stopping. Pick one tonality at a time and start speeding it up with the metronome going in steps of five; e.g. start at 60/ crotchet and if you can manage it at that speed, advance to 65/ crotchet. Your final speed is not as important as the speed “journey” you undergo. 
2)Telemann: 6 Canonic Sonata, op 5 TWV 40:118-123; prepare in F-major (no 3); N.B.! In the Schott edition, this is no. 2!!! But I really mean the one F-major in Amadeus. 
Code and publisher: Amadeus, BP 0320
Instructions: Enjoy playing! We will look in detail at sonata 3 in F-major.

If you want to learn from the other edition please note: ED Schott version its no.2, in Amadeus its no. 3
