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Apply for the opportunity to have your work published, promoted, and performed.
Winners may receive a publishing contract with Orpheus Music and have their compositions reviewed by Recorder Magazine (UK) and The American Recorder Magazine (USA) in 2026/2027.
Application Deadline: 1 Novembe...
Apply for the opportunity to have your work published, promoted, and performed.
Winners may receive a publishing contract with Orpheus Music and have their compositions reviewed by Recorder Magazine (UK) and The American Recorder Magazine (USA) in 2026/2027.
Application Deadline: 1 November 2025
Register here:
Open to Australian and New Zealand citizens and international/national students currently enrolled in an Australian course of study.
Open to any age.
Composition Requirements:
Original Work – Must have been composed in the last two years and must not have won any other composition competition.
Entry Limits – Up to two compositions per person. You may submit:
One entry in either Solo, Solo + Accompaniment, or Duo
OR two entries (choosing any two of the three options).
Duration – Each composition should be between 3-10 minutes.
Solo – for unaccompanied recorder.
Solo + Accompaniment – for recorder and piano/harpsichord only.
Duo – for two recorders in any combination (e.g., SA, TB, AT, etc.).
Any recorder from the recorder family may be used, including garklein, sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor, bass, great bass, contrabass, sub-great bass, and sub-contrabass.
Ensure your score contains no identifying information (no name, publisher, or dates). Metadata in audio files should include only the title of the piece.
Restrictions on Previous Winners:
First-place winners from previous Orpheus Music Composition Competitions may not re-enter.
How to Apply:
Step 1: Fill out the application form via TryBooking:
Step 2: Email your composition as a PDF score to
Optional: Submit an MP3/MIDI recording (preferred but not required).
Anonymity: Ensure your score contains no identifying information (no name, publisher, or dates). Metadata in audio files should include only the title of the piece.
Application Fee:
$40 for one entry
$60 for two entries
Final Deadline: 1 November 2025 Submit Score
Finalists Notified: 1 December 2025
Winners Announced: 13 January 2026, at the Australasian Recorder Festival
All Finalists Notified by Email: January 14, 2026