5 Pieces from Formschneyder, Trium Vocum Carminua (1538) View larger

5 Pieces from Formschneyder, Trium Vocum Carminua (1538)


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Early Music Library

Composer: Various

Instrumentation: Treble - Tenor - Bass

Period/genre: Renaissance

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$18.06 tax incl.

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*Five Renaissance Pieces.* These pieces, mostly designed for instrumental use, come from a large anthology of three-part pieces by Franco-Flemish and German musicians published by Hieronymus Formschneyder in 1538.

1. Sixtus Deitrich, Elslin, liebes Elselin min
2. Anon, Will niemand singen so sing aber ich
3. Hans Buchner, Mein Mutterlein, das fraget aber mich
4. Anon, plainsong setting
5. Heinrich Finck, Untitled Piece

_3 x Score 8 pp._

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