Hot Silk


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Orpheus Music

Composer: Thorn - Benjamin

Instrumentation: Treble + Harpsichord

Period/genre: Australian Contemporary

Grade: Difficult - Very Difficult

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*Contemporary Piece.* Three lively rhythmic pieces with engaging melodies.

1. Presto
2. Gently
3. Vigorously

_Score 11 pp. Part 4 pp._

  • Reviews
  • OMP081 Benjamin Thorn Hot Silk

    Benjamin Thorn possesses an extremely unique personality. Whether he is employing a language based on the I, IV and V chords in the key of C or one of pure noise, his personality is always identifiable.  It is very much evident in Hot Silk, a light-hearted three-movement work for alto recorder and harpsichord.

    The first, marked "Presto" is in 7/8 time and has a strong feeling of dynamism.  Movement two, marked "Gently," is in a moderate 5/8 and is one of Thorn's most lyrical statements.  The third movement, marked "Vigorously," is in 6/8 and features hemiola rhythms.  In of three, Thorn vacillates between tonality and modulates in unexpected ways. The edition is excellent.  This is a very good piece, suited to the advanced amateur.

    Pete Rose, American Recorder, March 2004

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